JavaScript API

Timeseries functions JS API guide

In this guide how to write Custom Timeseries Functions and the content of JS API will be described.

The API contains both the implementation of some predefined timeseries functions and some useful functions that can be used when writing Custom Aggregation Functions.

Writing Custom Aggregation Function

Input parameters

All functions will have three implicit input parameters that must be used for value calculation.

  • receivedValues: Array of Json of collected values. Each value will have two fields:
    • value: collected value. value type depends on Column’s datastream type.
    • at: datetime of collected value. This value will be defined in ISO string.
  • currentValue: Columns current aggregated value. The type depends on aggregation function behavior.
  • extra: Json with useful data for aggregated value updating. In some cases, when aggregated value must be updated, some previous auxiliary data must be used to calculate new values. The fields and their format will be defined taking into account the requirements of the function. For example, if an average data must be updated, previously received number of elements and their sum are necessary to calculate correctly new average value.

receivedValues example:

        "value": 3,
        "at": "2023-03-01T00:30:00.000Z"
        "value": 5,
        "at": "2023-03-01T01:30:00.000Z"
        "value": 6,
        "at": "2023-03-01T02:30:00.000Z"
        "value": 8,
        "at": "2023-03-01T02:30:00.000Z"

currentValue example:

"currentValue": 4;

extra example:

"extra": {
  "sum": 8,
  "count": 2  

Timeserie function result

Defined function must return a result with specific format. It will be a json with two parameters:

  • value: New calculated value.
  • extra: A JSON with auxiliary data updated. The content of this JSON will be the same of the extra input parameter.

Result example:

return {
    "executionResult": "OK",
    "value": 5,
    "extra": {
      "sum": 30,
      "count": 5  

There is an auxiliary function that takes value and extra fields as parameters and returns the json with correct format. For further description of this function check documentation.

Result example using auxiliary function:

return result.ok(5, {"sum":30}, {"count":6});

If some timeserie function execution throws an exception it will be internally caught. In this case result object will be like this:

return {
    "executionResult": "Some javascript execution error message"

This behavior can be forced using result.error function with an Error object or an string message. For example:

return result.error(new Error("Custom error message"));
// or
return result.error("Custom error message");

Function implementation example

Taking described Input parameters and the Result to be returned into account, AVG Aggregation Function implementation example is shown here:

var newCount = receivedValues.length;
var newSum = 0;
for(var recVal in receivedValues){
    newSum = newSum + receivedValues[recVal].value;
if (extra) {
    if(data.exists(extra.count)) newCount = newCount + extra.count;
    if(data.exists(extra.sum)) newSum = newSum + extra.sum;
var newValue = newSum / newCount;
return result.ok(newValue, {"sum":newSum}, {"count":newCount});



Aux method to check if some value has value. If value is undefined or null it will return false.

Kind: global function
Returns: Boolean - Json with result.

Param Type Description
value any value to be checked.


Aux method to replace all undefined fields with null values. Internally used to avoid issues when processing execution result.

Kind: global function
Returns: Any - Json with result.

Param Type Description
value any value to be checked and transformed.

result.ok(value, …extraParams)

Used to build aggregation function result object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
value any value to be used to update column data.
extraParams any List of parameters to be used to compound extra json. Each parameter must be a Json with unique parameter and value.


Internally used to build aggregation function result object when some execution exception is caught.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
error any Caught error. It can be Error type or String type

aggFunct.AVG(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will calculate the arithmetic average of all received values in the configured time bucket. Only available in numeric values.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.COUNT(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will store the count of total number values received per time bucket.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.FIRST(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will store only the first received value per time bucket. The collection engine ignores the following values obtained in the same time bucket.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.GEO_AVG(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will calculate the geometric average of all received values in the configured time bucket. Only available in numeric values.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.LAST(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will store only the last received value per time bucket, overwriting the previous ones.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.MAX(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will save the maximum value of all received values in the configured time bucket. Only available for numeric values.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.MEDIAN(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will calculate the median of all received values in the configured time bucket. Only available in numeric values.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.MIN(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will save the minimum value of all received values in the configured time bucket. Only available for numeric values.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.STD_DEVIATION(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will calculate the standard deviation of all received values in the configured time bucket. Only available in numeric values.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.SUM(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will save the sum of all received values in the configured time bucket. Only available for numeric values.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.

aggFunct.VARIANCE(receivedValues, currentValue, extra)

The engine will calculate the variance of all received values in the configured time bucket. Only available in numeric values.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Json with result.

Param Type Description
receivedValues Array Array of objects with new values to be used for final value calculation.
currentValue any Column’s current value.
extra Object JSON with auxiliary parameters for final value calculation.


Creates TRACE level logging messages. It concatenates msg parameters to compound message to be logged.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
…msg any The function takes as parameters a list of elements to be concatenated to generate the string message to be printed.


Creates DEBUG level logging messages. It concatenates msg parameters to compound message to be logged.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
…msg any The function takes as parameters a list of elements to be concatenated to generate the string message to be printed.…msg)

Creates INFO level logging messages. It concatenates msg parameters to compound message to be logged.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
…msg any The function takes as parameters a list of elements to be concatenated to generate the string message to be printed.


Creates WARN level logging messages. It concatenates msg parameters to compound message to be logged.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
…msg any The function takes as parameters a list of elements to be concatenated to generate the string message to be printed.


Creates ERROR level logging messages. It concatenates msg parameters to compound message to be logged.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
…msg any The function takes as parameters a list of elements to be concatenated to generate the string message to be printed.


Create Date object from ISO string.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
stringDate string Iso string date


Returns iso string representation of Date object.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
date Date Date object, date2)

Compares two dates. These dates can be passed as strings in ISO format or as Date

  • 0: when both are equal.
  • negative: when date1 is lower than date2
  • positive: when date1 is higher than date2

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
date1 Date Date object
date2 Date Date object