Create new Provision Function

A Provision function will have JavaScript code that takes inbound data and calculates the actions to be performed for correct provisioning of entities (Assets, Devices, Subscriptions, and Subscribers).


Administrative Data

Essential data for the registration and identification of a provisioning function in the platform.

Creation Creation


Processor configuration parameters and JavaScript processor specification.

Additionally, the definition of provisioning functions has a menu on the left side that allows for different actions:

- FullScreen
- Add Function
- Validate Code


Expands to occupy the entire screen, making it easier for visualization.

Creation Creation

Add Function

Provides the option to add different functions.

Creation Creation

Let’s add the “New entity” function.

Creation Creation

Validate Code

Checks the JavaScript code; if it’s correct, it enables the Next button.

Creation Creation


Summary of the data entered previously.

Creation Creation