Areas Map

Widget that displays the areas provisioned for an organization.

How it works

Map Map

The popup will display relevant information about the area as well as certain actions:

  • edit area
  • delete area

Basic Filter

Basic filter Basic filter

Perform a basic search by entering text that will filter by predefined fields.

Advanced Filter

Advanced filter Advanced filter

Perform a search by selecting the fields to filter by and how to filter by them.

Widget Menu

Menu action list Menu action list

The following actions can be performed:

  • New area: will open the area wizard to create a new area
  • Capture screen: Takes a screenshot of the widget.
  • Duplicate widget: Creates a duplicate of the widget on the dashboard.
  • Copy widget: Copies the widget to another dashboard.
  • Change widget location: Moves the widget to another dashboard.


Configuration Configuration


  • Refresh Frequency: allows configuring the data refresh frequency displayed in the list.
  • Title: widget title. It can be configured to remain fixed in the widget or only be displayed when it receives focus.
  • About: widget description in Markdown format.