Default rules catalog

Name Rule Type Mode Active Description
activityForbiddenDatastream DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Activity detected for an entity with administrative state disabled
activityForbiddenOperation OPERATION ADVANCED false Activity detected for an entity with administrative state disabled
areaInputWithParameter DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Checks if an entity has entered in a geofence
areaOutputWithParameter DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Checks if an entity has exitted of a geofence
batteryThreshold DATASTREAM EASY false Current value of datastream has an unusual value
cancelBatteryThreshold DATASTREAM EASY false Current value of datastream has is returned to usual value
changeCommsModuleOperationalStatusByNokPing DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Put selected operational status to communication module if consecutive NOK Ping reach selected value
changeCommsModuleOperationalStatusByOkPing DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Put selected operational status to communication module if OK Ping received
checkDistance DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Checks if entity is farther than a defined distance
collectAreas DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Calculate entity.area datastream (and its derivatives) based on entity.location datastream
countAccountingStart DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Count accounting start in subscription
countPings DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Count number of ping [OK/NOK/NOK consecutives] to get information in mobile net
diagnosticFailed OPERATION EASY false Diagnostic with error in some operation
messageFlowRateExceeded EVENT EASY false Message flow rate exceeded, not process message
mobileICCMismatch DATASTREAM EASY false Collected ICC does not match with provisioned
mobileICCValueChanged DATASTREAM EASY false Compare current with previous values of one datastream
presenceReachableAllInterfaces DATASTREAM ADVANCED true Current value of datastream has an unusual value with margen temporal or no
presenceUnreachableAllInterfaces DATASTREAM ADVANCED true Current value of datastream has an unusual value with margen temporal or no
receivedBanned DATASTREAM EASY false Received data for a banned entity
securityConfigMismatch EVENT EASY false Security error validate, device validation failedSecurity error validate, device validation failed
subscriptionActivation DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Check if subscription is administrativeState = ACTIVE for a configured operator
subscriptionSuspension DATASTREAM ADVANCED false Check if subscription is administrativeState = SUSPENSION for a configured operator
sumSessionBytes DATASTREAM ADVANCED true Sum traffic bytes can get information in mobile net