Response status and error messages

HTTP Status Codes

The OpenGate OSS API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Generic Errors

Generic Errors
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x00 Service is unavailable now. Please repeat the last operation or contact with administrator. HTTP 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
0x01 Json is malformed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02 Page out of range. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03 An action must be specified. HTTP 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
0x04 Unauthorized user for this operation. HTTP 401 UNAUTHORIZED
0x05 Service is not reachable. HTTP 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
0x06 Content size limit exceeded. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x07 No content found. HTTP 204 NO_CONTENT
0x08 Unsupported media type. HTTP 415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE
0x09 There is conflict between two fields. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x0A URL with error. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x0B Not implemented. HTTP 501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED
0x0C Required part in multipart format not received. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x0D Service is unavailable now. Please repeat the last operation or contact with administrator. HTTP 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
0x0E Excel is malformed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x0F No resource found HTTP 404 NOT_FOUND
0x10 Service is too busy. HTTP 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
0xA0 Invalid query parameters HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST

Provision Service

Provision Service
Code Description HTTP Status code
Provision Generic
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010000 Required field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010001 Element already exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010002 Element not found. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010003 Forbidden field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010004 Invalid format in field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010005 Field cannot be modified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010006 Entity not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010007 User not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010008 Field that begins like this is reserved. Check documentation. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010009 Admin data is incomplete. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01000A There cannot be id. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01000B Id required for this operation. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01000C Empty field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01000D Missing field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01000E Field not supported. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01000F Incorrect type in field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010010 Minimum length not reached. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010011 Maximum length reached. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010012 Duplicated value. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010013 Incorrect value in field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010014 Unspecified error. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010015 Organization not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010016 There cannot be organization. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010017 Organization is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010018 Organization not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010019 Organization cannot be removed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01001A Error while creating inferred domain for organization. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01001B Error while creating inferred workgroup for organization. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01001C Name is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01001D There cannot be name. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01001E Duplicated name. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01001F Name is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010020 In update operations, the field name of the json cannot be empty. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010021 Version is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010022 Version is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010023 Country is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010024 There cannot be country. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010025 Country not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010026 Language is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010027 There cannot be language. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010028 Language not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010029 Channel not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01002A There cannot be channel. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01002B Channel is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01002C Channel cannot be removed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01002D Channel not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01002E Channel cannot be removed because has entities associated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01002F Channel not related to user's workgroup. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010030 Workgroup not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010031 Workgroup is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010032 Workgroup cannot be removed because it is in use. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010033 There cannot be workgroup. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010034 Workgroup not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010035 Workgroup key not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010036 Channel must belong to the domain of workgroup or one of its children. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010037 Description is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010038 There cannot be description. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010039 Template conflict with number of parameters. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01003A Template conflict: incomplete parameters. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01003B Template is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01003C Template not found. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01003D Organization group not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01003E Organization group is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01003F Organization group cannot be removed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010040 Organization group not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010041 Brand not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010042 There cannot be brand. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010043 Effective date has bad format. Use ISO-8601. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010044 Effective date is in invalid range. It must be greater than the minimum time period set in the platform. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010045 There is already an effective date pending to update in cache. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010046 Relation between organization_group and organization not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010047 Relation between workgroup and channel not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010048 Empty box. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010049 Administrative bad format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01004A There cannot be administrative. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01004B Domain is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01004C Domain not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01004D There cannot be domain. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01004E Domain not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01004F Domain cannot be removed because has associated users, certificates, organizations or another domains. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010050 Parent domain not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010051 Parent domain not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010052 Parent domain can not be changed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010053 URL is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010054 Notes is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010055 Name is null. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010056 String is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010057 Json is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010058 Json is invalid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010059 Invalid field length HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010060 Invalid token. The token sent does not fulfill the conditions to be accepted. HTTP 401 UNAUTHORIZED
0x010061 Expired token. HTTP 401 UNAUTHORIZED
0x010062 Datastream with id '%s' and value '%s' already exists in organization '%s'. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010063 The password does not fulfill the conditions of security. HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN
0x010064 Invalid password. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Entity
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010100 Device to provision already exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010101 Device to provision already exist in other relation. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010102 Subscriber to provision already exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010103 Subscription to provision already exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010104 Subscriber to provision already exist in other relation. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010105 Subscription to provision already exist in other relation. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010106 Device to update not exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010107 Subscriber to update not exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010108 Subscription to update not exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010109 Datastream is not defined in any datamodel or is forbidden to resource. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01010A Entity not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01010B Entity/Entities not allowed for update. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01010C Triplet model, version, manufacturer not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01010D Triplet software, version, type not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01010E Datastream not collectable for this resource type. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01010F Resource type and json are incoherent. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010110 Device type is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010111 Device type not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010112 You can only change gateway to asset and vice versa. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010113 Limit of devices reached in the organization. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010114 Entity duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010115 Entity cannot be removed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010116 Entity key cannot be changed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010117 Service group not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010118 There cannot be service group. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010119 Service group is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01011A Administrative state not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01011B There cannot be administrative state. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01011C Data bad format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01011D Data not found. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01011E Data too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01011F Data is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010120 Provision type not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010121 Data reset bad format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010122 Provision data does not match the template. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010123 Data key contains not allowed characters (please check API documentation). HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010124 Entity type not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010125 Entity link bad formed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010126 Entity link bad resource. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010127 Entity link relation not exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010128 Entity link must be at least between two entities. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010129 Entity link relation already exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01012A Entity link not found. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01012B IP bad format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01012C Too many locks, please try it again or contact with administrator. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x01012D Related device in device provisioning must be an Asset. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01012E Provisioned entity specific type does not exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01012F Provisioned postal code does not exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010130 Provisioned subscription mobile operator does not exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010131 Provisioned software, version, type and model do not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Datamodel
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010200 This datamodel cannot be deleted, only will be deleted when organization is deleted. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010201 In this datamodel only can be modified qrating and storage fields. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010202 In this datamodel only can be removed qrating and storage fields. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010203 Max storage allowed in organization is minor than defined in datastream. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010204 Unknown ref type in datastream schema. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010205 Array type is defined incorrectly or external reference does not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010206 The following datastream ids are in conflict in the same request. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010207 This datastream id is in conflict with an existing one. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Area
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010300 Coordinates do not represent a valid geojson. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Certificates
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010400 Cannot read certificate file. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010401 Certificate file is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010402 Certificate format unavailable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010403 Certificate not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010404 Child certificate not removable because only is signed by this certificate. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010405 Certificate not allowed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010406 Parent certificate not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010407 Specified hardware not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010408 Some hardwares found with specified fields. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010409 Hardware is identified by its UUID or by their model, model version and manufacturer. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01040A Some usage is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01040B Specified usage not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01040C Administrative state is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01040D Administrative state not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01040E Signer certificate has not valid usage. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01040F Certificate file is forbidden. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010410 Certificate parent not allowed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010411 If you put domains in request, they must have some value. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010412 Certificate to Provision is duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Manufacturers
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010500 Manufacturer not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010501 Manufacturer not allowed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010502 Manufacturer not removable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010503 Manufacturer duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010504 Unexpected manufacturer provision error. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010505 Manufacturer ID is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010506 Manufacturer ID is forbidden. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010507 Manufacturer ID too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010508 Address is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010509 Fax is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01050A Telephone is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Models
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010600 Model not removable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010601 Model not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010602 Model duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010603 Unexpected model provision error. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010604 Model ID is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010605 Model NAME is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010606 Model ID is forbidden. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010607 Model ID too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Medias
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010700 Media not removable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010701 Media not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010702 Media duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010703 Media provision error. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010704 File name required to provision. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010705 Media type not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010707 Media ID too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision User
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010800 Surname is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010801 There cannot be surname. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010802 Email is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010803 Email bad format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010804 Email already in use. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010805 Email is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010806 There cannot be email. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010807 Password is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010808 Password is too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010809 The password cannot be update with other fields. Must send only the password and use the field ApiPass of the header. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01080A Profile is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01080B Profile not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01080C Profile not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01080D There cannot be profile. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01080E User not allowed for this user. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01080F User cannot be removed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010810 The number of requests has been exceeded. Check your inbox or wait a few minutes and try again. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010811 Invalid password. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010812 Password is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010814 The new ApiKey isn't a unique ID valid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010815 The new ApiKey is already used. Try again with a different value. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010868 Configuration 2FA error. The type of the configuration does not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Rule
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010900 Invalid rule attributes HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010901 No rule has been found with this id HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010902 Rule can not be save because it is duplicated HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010903 Rule can not be update HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010904 No rule has been deleted because it does not exists HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010905 Duplicated rule name for this channel HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010906 Error searching rules with this filter HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010907 Channel or organization can not be changed HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010908 Rule identifier can not be changed HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010909 Invalid rule prefilter HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01090A Invalid attributes according to EASY/ADVANCED mode HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01090B Easy rule type must have at least one action HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01090C OID variables can not be duplicated HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01090D Recipients are required in trap action HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01090E Condition and filter is required in easy rule HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01090F Invalid rule parameters HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010910 Fields name, severity and priority are mandatory in open action HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010911 Fields name, url and method are mandatory in send http action HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010912 Field url must have a valid url format in send http action HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010913 Field body is forbidden when method is not POST/PUT in send http action HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010914 Field body is required when method is POST/PUT in send http action HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010915 Error getting rules template HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010916 EnterpriseOID is required in trap action HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Bundle
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010A00 Bundle duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A01 Bundle not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A02 Cannot delete bundle. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A03 Cannot updated bundle. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A04 Bundle model is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A05 Bundle model doesn't exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A06 Cannot insert bundle with active parameter, relate deployment element first. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A07 Cannot update bundle to active without related deployment element. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A08 Bundle name is already related to another model, please use another bundle name. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A09 Bundle zip is incorrect. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A0A Duplicated file. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A0B File not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A0C Cannot deleted file. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x010A0D File not valid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A0E Cannot insert without deployment file nor downloadUrl. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A0F File validator unknown. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A10 File validator with PLATFORM mode required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A11 File type must be FIRMWARE if you want use TRUSTED_BOOT validation mode. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010A12 A bundle can have only one deployment element with TRUSTED_BOOT validation. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Tag
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010B00 There cannot be Target Remove. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B01 There cannot be Target Action. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B02 Invalid Target Action. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B03 Duplicated Target Insert. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B04 Duplicated Target Remove. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B05 Filter not allowed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B06 You can't use a target json object in the delete option. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B07 You can't use a filter json object in the delete option. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B08 Invalid current owner. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B09 Invalid owner. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B0A Tag cannot be removed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B0B Tag not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B0C Target bad format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B0D Tag clone not allowed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010B0E Max elements reached. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision APN
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010C00 Apn not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010C01 Apn cannot be removed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Radius Client
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010D00 Radius Client not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010D01 Radius Client cannot be removed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010D02 Source Address is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010D03 There cannot be Source Address. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010D04 Duplicated Source Address. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010D05 There cannot be Radius Secret. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010D06 Radius Secret is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010D07 Radius Secret is invalid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010D08 Source Addres is invalid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Organization
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010E00 There cannot be zoom. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E01 There cannot be timezone. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E02 There cannot be longitude. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E03 There cannot be latitude. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E04 Invalid timezone. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E05 Plan not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E06 Plan not allowed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E07 Plan can not be assigned because its organization has fixed flow rate. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E08 Plan can not be assigned because it is not in all domains assigned to the organization. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010E09 Default plan is not the same in all assigned domains to the organization. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Operation Type
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x010F00 Operation to be cloned does not exist. Please check it HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F01 Cloned parameters mismatch. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F02 Cloned steps mismatch. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F03 Cloned applicable to mismatch. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F04 Parameters must be a json schema. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F05 Steps are invalid. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F06 At least a model identifier does not exist. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F07 At least a value of applicableTo elements is invalid. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F08 Operation Type not found. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F09 FromCatalog property can not be modified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F0A Operation name is invalid. Only alphanumeric chars and underscore(_) are permitted. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F0B Operation name already exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F0C Operation name is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F0D Json is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F0E MediaType invalid. Json required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F0F Operation name is too long. It must be less than 50 chars. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F10 Operation title is too long. It must be less than 255 chars. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F11 Operation description is too long. It must be less than 255 chars. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F12 Files cannot be used for cloned operations HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F13 There is a problem with the groovy file. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F14 Groovy has not the right permission. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F15 Error loading Groovy file. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F16 Error parsing Groovy file. Please check them HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x010F17 Error deleting Groovy file. Please repeat again or contact with your administrator. HTTP 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
0x010F18 Groovy file already exists HTTP 412 PRECONDITION_FAILED
0x010F19 Groovy file doesn't exist HTTP 412 PRECONDITION_FAILED
Provision geocluster
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x011000 Unknown aggregation operator name HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011001 Invalid property as MongoDocument HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011002 Invalid property as Document HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011003 Invalid zoom value. not a number HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011004 Invalid null bbox HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011005 Invalid bbox. It is needed 4 numbers. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011006 Invalid zoom value HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011007 Invalid bbox. Expected double[] HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011008 Invalid expansionZoom HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011009 Invalid value HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01100A Invalid value as date HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01100B Invalid null as key name in json HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01100C Wrong index value. It mey be deserializing for wrong document. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01100D Invalid cluster coordinate HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01100E Invalid PointFeature HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x01100F Invalid coordinates HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011010 Error reading Point from mongo datasource. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011011 Invalid data for creating PointData HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011012 Invalid sessionId HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011013 Invalid geometry type HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011014 Invalid JSON HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011015 Session is ALREADY clustering HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011016 Geocluster not found HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011017 Invalid query parameters HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Provision Processor
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x011100 Provision Processor name exists for this organization HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011101 Provision Processor Script execution error HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x011102 Provision Processor not valid for attached file HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST

Operation Service: Jobs

Operation Service: Jobs
Code Description HTTP Status code
Job Generic
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x020000 Job name must be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020001 Job name unknown. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020002 Job must have referenced entities. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020003 At least one valid reference to an entity (list of entities or tags) is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020004 Delay field cannot be specified with this options. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020005 Only one type of delay reference is allowed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020006 Bundle not found. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020007 Job cannot be executed by overlap. HTTP 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
0x020008 Job cannot be scheduled. Please, repeat the last operation or contact with administrator. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020009 Schedule mode is not valid. Please, check your start and stop schedule modes. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02000A Job uuid unknown. Required action needs the job identifier. Please, check it. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02000B Job cannot be modified. It is already active. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02000C JSON target entities size was exceeded. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02000D Job state transition error. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02000E Filter is not valid. Please, check it. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02000F Label is not valid. Please, check it. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020010 JSON tag size was exceeded. Only one tag can be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020011 Wrong job schedule configuration. Effective timeout is zero. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020012 Filter id unknown. Required action needs the filter identifier. Please, check it. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020013 Parameter resourceType unknown. Required action needs the resourceType parameter. Please, check it. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020014 Scattering param field value invalid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020015 Scattering param maxSpread or factor value invalid. Value must be between 0 and 100. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020016 More than one empty scattering factors have been detected, which indicates data inconsistency, aborting scattering process. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020017 Scattering factor and scattering params are both empty. Aborting scattering process. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020018 Scattering warning max rate exceeded. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020019 The minimum gap between window daily times start and stop cannot be less than required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02001A Wrong window stop time. Window start and stop minutes must match. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02001B Wrong window start time. Window start time is too close to Job's timeout time. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02001C Job cannot be executed by overlap on windows. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02001D Wrong window time format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02001E Wrong window format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x02001F Error executing job. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x020020 Job uuid not exists HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST

Operation Service: Tasks

Operation Service: Tasks
Code Description HTTP Status code
Task Generic
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x030000 Task name must be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030001 Task active field must be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030002 Task job section must be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030003 Task job section cannot be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030004 Task schedule section must be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030005 Task cannot be schedule because schedule section has wrong values. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030006 Task schedule mode must be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030007 Only one schedule mode can be specified in a task definition. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030008 Time field must be defined in a task schedule section. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030009 Only one pattern mode can be specified in a task definition. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03000A Day field must be defined in a daily task schedule section. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03000B Month field must be defined in a monthly task schedule section. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03000C Each field must be defined in a periodic task schedule section. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03000D Units field must be defined in a period task schedule section. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03000E Only one stop mode section can be specified in a task definition. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03000F Task cannot be cancelled because it's in use. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x030010 Task cannot be modified because it's in use. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x030011 A Task must be deactivated before editing. Please set Task's state to inactive before editing it. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030012 Task is running. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x030013 Task is finished. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x030014 Task identifier not found. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030015 Task identifier cannot be empty. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030016 Error while updating internal entities tag. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030017 Task identified cannot be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030018 JSON target entities size was exceeded. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x030019 Error while setting task target. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03001A Task id cannot be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03001B Task identifier already exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03001C Task target type cannot be modified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03001D Task data key contains not allowed characters (please check API documentation). HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x03001E Task state transition error. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST

Operation Service: Operations

Operation Service: Operations
Code Description HTTP Status code
Operation Generic
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x040000 Param Ack Timeout cannot be higher than param Timeout. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040001 The minimum gap between params Ack Timeout and Timeout cannot be less than required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040002 The models of a given entity and bundle do not match. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040003 The group of a given entity and bundle does not match or is not active. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040004 Neither parameter Ack timeout or timeout can be zero. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040005 Operation parameters are invalid. Please, check them. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040006 Any operation result in the list is invalid. Please, check them. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040007 Job Timeout must be higher than operation Timeout. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040008 Operation must be in state WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION for activation. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x040009 Next operation state must be IN_PROGRESS. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST

Operation Service: Alarms

Operation Service: Alarms
Code Description HTTP Status code
Alarm Generic
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x060000 Alarm action unknown. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x060001 Alarms required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x060002 Error while setting alarm target (not exist any alarms). HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x060003 Alarm action is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x060004 Alarm description too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x060005 Alarms size too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x060006 Unknown parameter name. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST

Search Service

Search Service
Code Description HTTP Status code
Search Generic
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x050000 Size value must be defined between 1 and 1000. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050001 Start value must be greater than 1. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050002 There is a parameter with incorrect value in the filter. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050003 The filter is malformed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050004 There is a parameter too long. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050005 There is a numeric parameter too large. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050006 Start field must be a number. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050007 Size field must be a number. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050008 Sort name field must be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050009 Sort type field must be specified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05000A Sort field name unknown. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05000B Parameters in Sort is empty. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05000C Wrong result. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x05000D Empty field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05000E Missing field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05000F Minimum length not reached. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050010 Duplicated value. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050011 Incorrect type in field. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050012 Filter field has unsupported operator. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050013 Datastream not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050014 Field in filter unknown. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050015 Group limit is not allowed in filter to CSV format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050016 Query return too many results. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050017 Search in csv format without select is not allowed. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050018 Filter not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050019 Invalid default value (true/false). HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05001A Invalid owner value (workgroup/user). HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05001B Filter id duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05001C Filter is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05001D Owner is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05001E Group sort is not allowed in filter to CSV format. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x05001F Can not select a field and one or more of its sub-fields together. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050020 Datastream is not summarizable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050021 Datastream is in several organizations and have differents attributes. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050022 Datastreams in select can not have the same alias. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050023 Cannot sort with keys that are parallel arrays HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x050024 Limit size maximum exceeded. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST

Platform Event Process

Platform Event Process
Code Description HTTP Status code
Event Generic
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x070000 Element not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070001 Element not identified. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070002 Parameter unknown to procces event. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070003 Parameter invalid to procces event. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070004 Parameter path invalid to process event. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070005 Parameter path forbidden if deviceId is empty. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070006 Parameters priority or severity have incorrect values. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070007 Parameter variables has incorrect value. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
Event Gathering
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x070100 Invalid data in leaf. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070101 Expired data in leaf. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070102 Element not found in list. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070103 Value format is invalid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x070104 Datastream not gatherable for this resource type. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST


Code Description HTTP Status code
Flowcontrol Generic
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x080000 Redis server no available. HTTP 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
0x080001 There is not configuration to the device. HTTP 409 CONFLICT
0x080002 Message size limit is overtake. HTTP 409 CONFLICT

Artificial Inference Service

Artificial Inference Service
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x000900 Unknown model type HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000901 Model name exists for this organization HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000902 Model name doesn't exists HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000903 Missing key 'X' HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000904 Model cannot be read HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000905 Model cannot be read HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000906 Transformer name exists for this organization HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000907 Transformer name doesn't exists HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000908 At least one python file is required HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000909 Only one python file is allowed HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000910 Transformer cannot be read HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000911 Transformer execution error HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000912 Pipeline name exists for this organization HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000913 Pipeline name doesn't exists HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000914 Name or type field not found in pipeline actions HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000915 Metadata type model not contemplated HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000916 Prediction cannot collected HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000917 Model included in pipeline. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x000918 Transformer included in pipeline. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST

Connector Functions

Connector Functions
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x001100 Connector Function already exists with the same channel, name, type and criterias HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001101 Field cannot be modified HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001102 Connector Function name is incorrect HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001103 Operation name is incorrect HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001104 Incorrect criterias specification HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001105 Incorrect javascript specification HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001106 Criteria path is invalid HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001107 Criteria path not found HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001108 Criteria value is invalid HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001109 Incorrect payloadType specification HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001110 Connector Function Script execution error HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001111 Operation name not allowed HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001112 Connector Function name is already in use HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001113 Connector Function already exists with the same name, type and criterias HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST


Code Description HTTP Status code
0x001200 Option ALWAYS in filter field is unavaible now. Contact with administrator to activate this option. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001201 Column path definition is invalid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001202 Column path not found in datamodel definitions. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001203 Column in filter not exists in selected dataset HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001204 Column in filter has bad format HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001205 Column in filter is required HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001206 Column in filter has invalid operator HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001207 Column in filter is forbidden in selected dataset HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001208 Column in sort not exists in selected dataset HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001209 Column in sort is forbidden in selected dataset HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001210 Column name is duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001211 It is forbidden to remove a column with filter property setted to ALWAYS. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001212 It is forbidden to change the filter property's value when it is ALWAYS. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001213 The maximum of concurrent dataset definitions updates has been reached, please try it again later. HTTP 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
0x001214 It is forbidden to change the column path HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001215 Column in select not exists in selected dataset HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001216 Dataset not available at this time. Try it again later please. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001217 It is forbidden to set more than %d columns as filterable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001218 It is forbidden to set more than %d columns as sortable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001219 It is forbidden to sort by more than %d columns. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST


Code Description HTTP Status code
0x001300 Option ALWAYS in filter field is unavaible now. Contact with administrator to activate this option. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001301 Column path definition is invalid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001302 Column path not found in datamodel definitions. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001303 Column aggregation function has not valid valueType for colum type. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001304 Column name is duplicated. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001305 At least one column or context must be defined HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001306 Retention value cannot be higher than assigned storage life time in organization HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001307 It is forbidden to change the filter property's value when it is ALWAYS. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001308 It is forbidden to change the context path HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001309 It is forbidden to remove a context with filter property setted to ALWAYS. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001310 It is forbidden to change the column path HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001311 The maximum of concurrent timeserie definitions updates has been reached, please try it again later. HTTP 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
0x001312 It is forbidden to change the origin of the timeserie. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001313 Timeserie not available at this time. Try it again later please. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001314 Column's aggregation function does not exist. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001315 It is forbidden to set more than %d contexts or columns as filterable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001316 It is forbidden to set more than %d contexts or columns as sortable. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001317 It is forbidden to sort by more than %d contexts or columns. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001318 Only FIRST or LAST aggregation function is allowed when timeBucket is 0 HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001320 Column in filter not exists in selected timeserie HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001321 Column in filter has bad format HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001322 Column in filter is required HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001323 Column in filter has invalid operator HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001324 Column in filter is forbidden in selected timeserie HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001330 Column in sort not exists in selected timeserie HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001331 Column in sort is forbidden in selected timeserie HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001340 Column in select not exists. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001341 Downsample columns are required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001342 Downsample aggregation function incomplatible with source aggregation function. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001343 Downsample interpolation function is invalid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001344 Downsample interpolation bucketTime can't be lower than the timeserie's current bucketTime. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001345 Context variables don't support aggregation or interpolation functions. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001346 Aggregation function incomplatible with this time series column. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001347 Context variables don't support aggregation functions. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x001348 Maximum database count entries to be aggregated limit exceed HTTP 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
Timeseries Functions
Code Description HTTP Status code
0x131401 Platform functions cannot be modified or deleted. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x131402 Timeserie Function name not allowed. Reserved for Platform Timeserie Function. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x131403 Timeserie Function name not allowed. Already used in other Timeserie Function. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x131404 Timeserie Function removal not allowed. Function used in some timeserie. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x131405 Script is required. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x131406 Timeserie Function cannot be updated. One of removed valueTypes is required by some timeserie's column. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST
0x131407 Timeserie Function script is not valid. HTTP 400 BAD_REQUEST