IEC102 JavaScript API

Connector functions IEC102 JS API guide

This API allows users to execute operations in the IEC102 client from a connector function.

iec102 Object

The iec object is the main object of the IEC102 client. It allows to connect to comunicate with devices using IEC102 protocol.

Stablish connection

There is a connect method used to stablish connection with the device. When this mehod is called, internally will complete several actions:

  • Depending on parameter registerType (IP, VPN, GSM, ATR) not only connection will be done, but it can be necessary to send some commands to establish correctly the connection. If not defined, IP registration type will be used.
  • Once connection and registration is completed, connection status datapoints will be collected:
    • If ATR or GSM connection types are used, device.communicationModules[] with OK or NOK status.
  • In case of error, response status will be set to ERROR_PROCESSING and obtained error description will be added.

After connect method call, returned status must be checked to know if it is possible to continue. If not, response object should be returned.

Connection example:


iec102.sourcesInfo="Accessing Register through GSM data call to Device";

iec102.msisdn = "123412341324";
iec102.userName = "userName";
iec102.password = "passoword";
iec102.portConfig = "portConfig";

var connectionStatus = iec102.connect("GSM");
if(!connectionStatus.connected) {
    /* Connection not stablished. 
    At this point response object is fulfilled 
    with error code anddescription and skipped steps. 
    return response;

In previous example, in case of error, there will be an implicit data collection with some data similar to this:

    "datastreams": [
            "id": "device.communicationModules[]",
            "datapoints": [
                    "value": "NOK",
                    "at": 1698793200000,
                    "source": "DEVICE_GSM_DATACALL",
                    "sourceInfo": "Accessing Register through GSM data call to Device"

And the response will be something similar to this:

    "version": "8.0",
    "trustedBoot": null,
    "operation": {
        "response": {
            "id": "request_id",
            "name": "GET_METER_INFO",
            "deviceId": "device_id",
            "resultCode": "ERROR_PROCESSING",
            "resultDescription": "Called meter responded an ERROR",
            "steps": [
                    "name": "timeRequest",
                    "result": "SKIPPED",
                    "description": "Unable to make a data call"
            "timestamp": 1698793200000

ASDUs definition and execution.

Once connection is stablished is possible execute desired ASDUS. There are three ways to execute ASDUS

  1. Execute directly one ASDU.
  2. Define one by one all asdus and then execute.
  3. Define asdus to be executed from operation params and then execute.

ASDUs execution behavior specification

Each ASDU to be executed must be defined with some extra params to specify correctly its behavior. For this configuration a JSON object will be used:

Field Type Description
period json Depending on the ASDU, it is necessary to specify a PERIOD
sleepTimeBeforeExec number Wait time in millisconds before ASDU is executed. If not defined or 0 value, no wait will be done.
step json Specify if related step must added and sent to response object. If not defined, no step will be added to response object
collection json Specify if related collection must added and sent to collection object. If not defined, no datastream will be added to collection object. If defined, default datastreams will be added.

period format:

Field Type Description
initial number Initial instant of the period in millisenconds
final boolean Final instant of the period in millisencods
type string Period type. This type can be one of: previousQuarter, previousDay, previousWeek, previousMonth, custom, lastMinutes, lastHours, lastDays

There are several utils mthods to calculate this period. See date utils

step format:

Field Type Description
name string Step’s name, if not defined default step will be added.
sent boolean If added step must be sent directly after ASDU exeuction

collection format:

Field Type Description
sent boolean If added datastreams must be sent directly after ASDU execution

An example of ASDU execution configuration:

    "period": {
        "initial": 1698840000000,
        "final": 1698840899000,
        "type": "previousQuarter"
    "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 1000,
    "step": {
        "name": "custom_name",
        "send": true
    "step": {
        "send": true

ASDUs direct execution

It is possible to execute one asdu directly. For example:

var asduResult = iec102.asdus.timeRequest();

Execution result will be an object with following parameters:

Returned value will have following format:

Parameter Type Description
status boolean true if ASDU finished correctly.
description string Descriptive message with execution result
readingState string Parameter used to communicate all asdus execution status
data object Json with ASDU exuction result data. Each ASDU will have specific data

In the previous example, the result could be:

    "status": false,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
        "Datetime": {
            "date": "2023-11-01",
            "time": "12:00:00",
            "timezone": "GMT+1",
            "dst": 0

In this case, response steps and collected data must defined and sent manually. For example:

var asduResult = iec102.asuds.timeRequest();
    response.addStep("TIME_REQUEST", "SUCCESSFUL", asduResult.description);

An alternative to previous code:

var execConfig = {
    "step": {
        "sent": true
    "collection": {
        "sent": true
var asduResult = iec102.asuds.timeRequest(execConfig);

ASDUs definition from operations parameters

If launched operation has specific parameters and steps, it will be possible to calculate ASDUs from these paremeters using iec102.asdus.addFromParams().

Expected parameters are:

  • Booleans with follwing names to know wich asdus to execute.
    • doTimeRequest
    • doParameters
    • doDeviceAndManufacturer
    • doLoadCurveAbsolut
    • doLoadCurveIncremental
    • doStoredPricing
    • doConfiguration
    • doCurrentPricing
  • dataPeriod.period[0].tipo that is a string with one of following values:
    • previousQuarter
    • previousDay
    • previousWeek
    • previousMonth
    • custom
  • If dataPeriod is custom, following parameters must be defined with dates ISO string:
    • dataPeriod.period[0].parameters[0].startDate
    • dataPeriod.period[0].parameters[0].finishDate

If operation params do not match previous content, no ASDUs will be calculated.

Taking previous operation parameters specification and taking entities datasterams status into account, ASDUS to be executed will be calculated based on some predefined conditions to avoid lossing data and avoid unnecessary retries.

By default, login and logout ASDUs will be added to the list.

An example of thi method usage:

    Operation params:
      "doTimeRequest": true,
      "doParameters": true,
      "doDeviceAndManufacturer": false,
      "doLoadCurveAbsolut": false,
      "doLoadCurveIncremental": false,
      "doStoredPricing": false,
      "doConfiguration": false,
      "doCurrentPricing": false,
      "dataPeriod": {
        "period": [
            "tipo": previousQuarter

var executionResult = iec102.asdus.execute();

    asdus to be executed:
            "name": "login"
            "name": "timeRequest",
            "execConfig": {
                    "initial": 1698840000000,
                    "final": 1698840899000,
                    "type": "previousQuarter"
                "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 5000
                "step": {
                    "send": true
                "collection": {
                    "sent": true
            "name": "parameters",
            "execConfig": {
                    "initial": 1698840000000,
                    "final": 1698840899000,
                    "type": "previousQuarter"
                "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 5000
                "step": {
                    "send": true
                "collection": {
                    "sent": true
            "name": "logout",
            "execConfig": {
                "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 5000

In this case, when executing all ASDUS, depending on executed ASDU, default steps could be sent directly and default collection could be donde.

As explained, this method implements default behavior for ASDUs executions. If this behaviour is no valid, ASDUs to be executed must be defined manually. See ASDUs manual definition.

ASDUs manual definition:

It is possible to add manually using iec102.asdus.add method. This method expect following parameters to define ASDU execution correctly:

  • name: ASDU to be executed name. One of:
    • login
    • logout
    • dayLightSavingTime
    • timeRequest
    • parameters
    • deviceManufacturer
    • loadCurve
    • loadCurveQuarter
    • loadCurveIncremental
    • loadCurveIncrementalQuarter
    • storedPricing
    • currentPricing
    • configuration
  • execConfig: Json defined ASDU execution configuration

For example to define ’timeRequest’ ASDU this call must be done:

var execConfig = {
        "initial": 1698840000000,
        "final": 1698840899000,
        "type": "previousQuarter"
    "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 5000
    "step": {
        "send": true
    "collection": {
        "sent": true
asdus.add("timeRequest", execConfig);

Previous code will add to asdus.asdusToExec array following object:

    "name": "timeRequest",
    "execConfig": {
                "initial": 1698840000000,
                "final": 1698840899000,
                "type": "previousQuarter"
            "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 5000,
            "step": {
                "send": true
            "collection": {
                "sent": true

In this case, after executing this ASDU default step will be sent with execution result and default datastream will be collected:

// Step to be sent
    "version": "8.0",
    "trustedBoot": null,
    "operation": {
        "response": {
            "steps": [
                    "name": "TIME_REQUEST",
                    "result": "SUCCESS",
                    "description": "Success."
// Collection to be sent
    "datastreams": [
        "id": "device.clock",
                "value": {
                    "date": "2023-11-01",
                    "time": "12:00:00",
                    "timezone": "GMT+1",
                    "dst": 0
                "at": 1698793200000

Defined ASDUs execution

If ASDUs are not executed one by one, but they are added from operation params or defining them one by one, iec102.asdus.execute() method must be used to execute all defined ASDUs.

iec102.asdus.execute() method will execute all added ASDUs one by one, and depending ASDU specification related steps and collection will be send.

For example, first we define manually following ASDUs and then we do execution:

var period = utils.time.period.previousQuarter(iec102.referenceTime); 


iec102.asdus.add("loadCurveIncremental", {
    "period": period,
    "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 1000,
    "step": {
        "sent": true,
        "sent": false

    "period": period,
    "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 1000,
    "step": {
        "name": "CUSTOM_LOAD_CURVE_STEP",
        "sent": false,

    "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 1000

var executionResult = iec102.asdus.execute();

/* ASDUs to be executed
        "name": "login"
        "name": "timeRequest",
        "execConfig": {
                "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 1000
                "step": {
                    "send": true
                "collection": {
                    "sent": true
        "name": "loadCurve",
        "execConfig": {
                    "initial": 1698840000000,
                    "final": 1698840899000
                "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 1000
                "step": {
                    "name": "CUSTOM_LOAD_CURVE_STEP",
                    "send": false
        "name": "logout",
        "execConfig": {
            "sleepTimeBeforeExec": 5000 

In this example, we will supose that timeRequest ASDU finish correctly:

  1. First, login ASDU will be executed. After execution, no step or collection will be sent.

  2. Before exectuing timeRequest, 1000 milliseconds wait will be donde.

  3. After timeRequest execution, default TIME_REQUEST step will be added because no name has been specified and it will be sent because step.send has been defined to true. This is the step to be sent directly:

        "operation": {
            "response" :{
                "steps": [
                        "name": "TIME_REQUEST",
                        "result": "SUCCESSFUL",
                        "description": "Step completed successfully"
  1. After timeRequest execution, follwing datastream will be added to collection object because collection is defined and it will be sent directly because collection.send is true. Datastream to be collected:
    "datastreams": [
            "id": "device.clock",
                    "value": {
                        "date": "2023-11-01",
                        "time": "12:00:00",
                        "timezone": "GMT+1",
                        "dst": 0
                    "at": 1698793200000
  1. Before exectuing loadCurve, 1000 milliseconds wait will be donde.

  2. After loadCurve execution, instead of adding default STEP_NAME_LOAD_CURVE_ABSOLUT step, a step with name CUSTOM_LOAD_CURVE_STEP will be added because name parameter has been specified. In this case, the step will be added to response, but not sent send has been defined to false. This is the step added to response object:

        "operation": {
            "response" :{
                "steps": [
                        "name": "CUSTOM_LOAD_CURVE_STEP",
                        "result": "SUCCESSFUL",
                        "description": "Step completed successfully"
  1. After loadCurve execution no datastream will be added to collection object because no collection field has been defined in execConfig.

  2. Finally, after 1000 milliseconds wait logout ASDU will be executed.

  3. Final executionResult will contain all ASDUs execution result.

Returned value will have following format:

Parameter Type Description
status boolean true if all ASDUs finished correctly.
asdus object Json with each ASDU execution result object.

Execution result could be something similar to this

    "status": false,
    "asdus": {
        "login": {
            "status": true,
            "description": "Success"
            "readingState": null,
        "timeRequest": {
            "status": true,
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
                "Datetime": {
                    "date": "2023-11-01",
                    "time": "12:00:00",
                    "timezone": "GMT+1",
                    "dst": 0
        "loadCurve": {
            "status": true,
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
                "frames": [
                        "ImportedActive": 10,
                        "Quadrant4Reactive": 10,
                        "Quadrant2Reactive": 333,
                        "Quadrant3Reactive": 334,
                        "ExportedActive": 1000,
                        "Quadrant1Reactive": 333,
                        "Timestamp": 1705536000000
        "logout": {
            "status": false,
            "description": "Error in logout"
            "readingState": null,

Although, login, timeRequest, and loadCurve finished correctly, because logout ASDU failed, status is failed . timeRequest, loadCurve ASDUs finished correctly and returns obtained data. Returned data depends on each ASDU.

Default steps for ASDUs

These are defined default steps for each ASDU:

timeRequest TIME_REQUEST
configuration CONFIGURATION
parameters PARAMETERS
loadCurveIncrementalQuarter LOAD_CURVE_INCREMENTAL
currentPricing CURRENT_PRICING
storedPricing STORED_PRICING

Default datastreams for ASDUs

ASDU Field Datastream
timeRequest DateTime device.clock
configuration ManufacturerCode manufacturerCode
configuration Model device.model
configuration Firmware
configuration SerialNumber device.serialNumber
configuration StandardDate protocolRevDate
configuration Datetime protocolDate
configuration BatteryPercentage device.powersupply
configuration SerialPort1Baudrate serialPort1Speed
configuration SerialPort1Codification serialPort1Conf
configuration SerialPort1Mode serialPort1ShipMode
configuration SerialPort1StartingAsciiString serialPort1AsciiString
configuration SerialPort2Baudrate serialPort2Speed
configuration SerialPort2Codification serialPort2Conf
configuration VoltagePrimary voltPrim
configuration VoltageSecondary voltSec
configuration IntensityPrimary intenPrim
configuration IntensitySecondary intenSec
configuration IntegrationPeriod1 IntPerLoadCurve1
configuration IntegrationPeriod2 IntPerLoadCurve2
configuration IntegrationPeriod3 IntPerLoadCurve3
configuration ContractType contractType
configuration Contract1 contractState
parameters LinkAddressCollected elinkAddress
parameters MeasurePointsQuantity measurePointsQuantity
parameters MeasurePoint measurePoint
parameters AccessPassword accessPass
parameters IntegrationPeriod intPeriod
parameters RegistryDepth regDepth
deviceManufacturer ManufacturerCode manufacturerCode
deviceManufacturer DeviceId contIdentifier
dayLightSavingTime ToDaylightSavingTime
dayLightSavingTime ToStandardTime
loadCurve Timestamp
loadCurve ImportedActive eImpActTotDia
loadCurve ExportedActive eExpActTotDia
loadCurve Quadrant1Reactive eImpReQ1TotDia
loadCurve Quadrant2Reactive eImpReQ2TotDia
loadCurve Quadrant3Reactive eImpReQ3TotDia
loadCurve Quadrant4Reactive eImpReQ4TotDia
loadCurveQuarter frames[].Timestamp
loadCurveQuarter frames[].ImportedActive eImpActTot
loadCurveQuarter frames[].ExportedActive eExpActTot
loadCurveQuarter frames[].Quadrant1Reactive eImpReQ1Tot
loadCurveQuarter frames[].Quadrant2Reactive eImpReQ2Tot
loadCurveQuarter frames[].Quadrant3Reactive eImpReQ3Tot
loadCurveQuarter frames[].Quadrant4Reactive eImpReQ4Tot
loadCurveIncremental frames[].Timestamp
loadCurveIncremental frames[].ImportedActive eImpActIncDia
loadCurveIncremental frames[].ExportedActive eExpActIncDia
loadCurveIncremental frames[].Quadrant1Reactive eImpReQ1IncDia
loadCurveIncremental frames[].Quadrant2Reactive eImpReQ2IncDia
loadCurveIncremental frames[].Quadrant3Reactive eImpReQ3IncDia
loadCurveIncremental frames[].Quadrant4Reactive eImpReQ4IncDia
loadCurveIncrementalQuarter frames[].Timestamp
loadCurveIncrementalQuarter frames[].ImportedActive eImpActInc
loadCurveIncrementalQuarter frames[].ExportedActive eExpActInc
loadCurveIncrementalQuarter frames[].Quadrant1Reactive eImpReQ1Inc
loadCurveIncrementalQuarter frames[].Quadrant2Reactive eImpReQ2Inc
loadCurveIncrementalQuarter frames[].Quadrant3Reactive eImpReQ3Inc
loadCurveIncrementalQuarter frames[].Quadrant4Reactive eImpReQ4Inc
currentPricing frames[].Timestamp
currentPricing frames[].RateIndex ({ri})
currentPricing frames[].Memory ({m})
currentPricing frames[].AbsoluteActive eRate{ri}ActTot{m}
currentPricing frames[].IncrementalActive eRate{ri}ActInc{m}
currentPricing frames[].AbsoluteInductiveReactive eRate{ri}ReIndTot{m}
currentPricing frames[].IncrementalInductiveReactive eRate{ri}ReIndInc{m}
currentPricing frames[].AbsoluteCapacitiveReactive eRate{ri}ReCapTot{m}
currentPricing frames[].IncrementalCapacitiveReactive eRate{ri}ReCapInc{m}
currentPricing frames[].MaximumPower eRate{ri}PowerMaxVal{m}
currentPricing frames[].ExcessPower eRate{ri}PowerExVal{m}
currentPricing frames[].InitPeriodDateAsDatetime eRate{ri}PricInitPeri{m}
currentPricing frames[].EndPeriodDateAsDatetime eRate{ri}PricEndPeri{m}
storedPricing frames[].Timestamp
storedPricing frames[].RateIndex ({ri})
storedPricing frames[].Memory ({m})
storedPricing frames[].AbsoluteActive eRate{ri}ActTot{m}
storedPricing frames[].IncrementalActive eRate{ri}ActInc{m}
storedPricing frames[].AbsoluteInductiveReactive eRate{ri}ReIndTot{m}
storedPricing frames[].IncrementalInductiveReactive eRate{ri}ReIndInc{m}
storedPricing frames[].AbsoluteCapacitiveReactive eRate{ri}ReCapTot{m}
storedPricing frames[].IncrementalCapacitiveReactive eRate{ri}ReCapInc{m}
storedPricing frames[].MaximumPower eRate{ri}PowerMaxVal{m}
storedPricing frames[].ExcessPower eRate{ri}PowerExVal{m}
storedPricing frames[].InitPeriodDateAsDatetime eRate{ri}PricInitPeri{m}
storedPricing frames[].EndPeriodDateAsDatetime eRate{ri}PricEndPeri{m}

iec102 Object Properties

Property Type Default Description
ip string IP address to connect.
port number Port to connect
isTls boolean false Specifies if secure protocol must be used
retries number 5 Number of retries.
timeout number 30000 Timeout in milliseconds.
linkAddress number Mandatory parameter used as part of IEC102 protocol
useMeasurePoint number Mandatory parameter used as part of IEC102 protocol
usePasswordAccess number Mandatory parameter used as part of IEC102 protocol
msisdn string Parameter used when connection is done with a data call through some caller
userName string Parameter used when connection is done with a data call through some caller
password string Parameter used when connection is done with a data call through some caller
referenceTime number Current It will be used as reference time for period calculation and as datapoints ‘at’ value
readingState string Current Internally used parameter to keep ASDUs execution status
portConfig string Parameter used when connection is done with a data call through some caller
source string It will be used as datapoints ‘source’ value
sourcesInfo string It will be used as datapoints ‘sourcesInfo’ value
manufacturerCodeName object Manufacturer code->name map
asdus.asdusToExec array Internal array with the list of ASDUs to be executed. It must be initialized before connecting

iec102 Object Methods

connect (registerType, waitFor) ⇒ Object

Stablish connection with specified device. Before using this method connection parameters such ip, port, timeout, etc. must be specified (some of them can have default values).

See Stablish connection

Parameter Type Description
registerType string Specify connection procedure.
waitFor array Strings to wait for in the response.

This method will return an object with wollowing format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success"

connectWithIpAndPorts (ports, waitFor) ⇒ Object

Stablish connection with specified device trying different ports. Before using this method connection parameters such ip, timeout, etc. must be specified (some of them can have default values). In this case, a list of ports will be passed as parameters. For each port of the list connect method will be called until connection is stablished correctly.

See Stablish connection

Parameter Type Description
ports array List of ports to be used
waitFor array Strings to wait for in the response.

This method will return an object with wollowing format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success"

connectWithEndpoints (endpoints) ⇒ Object

This method is special case for GSM connection.

Stablish connection with specified device trying different endpoints. Each endpoints is an object with follwing information:

  • ip
  • port
  • userName
  • password

For example:

var endpoints = [
        "ip": "",
        "port": "3000",
        "userName": "userName",
        "password": "password"
        "ip": "",
        "port": "3001",
        "userName": "userName2",
        "password": "password2"

In this case, GSM register type will be used.

See Stablish connection

Parameter Type Description
endpoints array List of objects with endpoints spec

This method will return an object with wollowing format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success"

disconnect ()

Closes IEC102 connection

send (command, waitFor, pattern) ⇒ Object

Sends a command.

Parameter Type Description
command string Command to send.
waitFor List Strings to wait for in the response.
pattern string Pattern to extract response from sent command.

Returns a json with status and description properties:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success"

asdus.add(name, execConfig)

Define an ASDU to be exucuted and add to asdus.asdusToExec array.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
name string ASDU name
execConfig object Execution configuration


Calculates all ASDUs to be executed from operations parameters adding them to asdus.asdusToExec array. This method only works if parmeters object has specific properties.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

asdus.login(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly login ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": null,

asdus.logout(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly logout ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": null,

asdus.timeRequest(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly timeRequest ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "Datetime": {
            "date": "2024-01-19",
            "time": "09:36:58",
            "timezone": "GMT+1",
            "dst": 0

data object will contain data retrieved from executed ASDU.

asdus.configuration(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly configuration ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "Contract1": "unknown",
        "VoltageSecondary": 0,
        "ManufacturerCode": "1",
        "BatteryPercentage": 44,
        "SerialPort1StartingAsciiString": "\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000",
        "IntensityPrimary": 0,
        "IntegrationPeriod3": 0,
        "VoltagePrimary": 0,
        "IntegrationPeriod1": 60,
        "IntegrationPeriod2": 15,
        "SerialPort1Mode": 0,
        "IntensitySecondary": 0,
        "SerialNumber": 333,
        "Model": {
            "name": "AQ",
            "version": "",
            "manufacturer": "",
            "manufacturerOUI": ""
        "SerialPort1Codification": "8/No/2",
        "ContractType": "Contract I",
        "StandardDate": "2002-05-01",
        "Firmware": [
                "name": "Firmware version",
                "version": "2",
                "type": "FIRMWARE"
        "SerialPort1Baudrate": 9600,
        "SerialPort2Baudrate": 0,
        "SerialPort2Codification": "8/No/2",
        "Datetime": {
            "date": "2002-04-10",
            "time": "00:00:00",
            "timezone": "GMT+1",
            "dst": 0

data object will contain data retrieved from executed ASDU.

asdus.parameters(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly parameters ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "RegistryDepth": 4000,
        "LinkAddressCollected": 1,
        "IntegrationPeriod": 60,
        "AccessPassword": 1,
        "MeasurePoint": 1,
        "MeasurePointsQuantity": 1

data object will contain data retrieved from executed ASDU.

asdus.deviceManufacturer(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly deviceManufacturer ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "ManufacturerCode": "81",
        "DeviceId": "501606407"

data object will contain data retrieved from executed ASDU.

asdus.dayLightSavingTime(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly dayLightSavingTime ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "ToDaylightSavingTime": {
            "date": "2002-04-10",
            "time": "00:00:00",
            "timezone": "GMT+1",
            "dst": 0
        "ToStandardTime": {
            "date": "2002-04-10",
            "time": "00:00:00",
            "timezone": "GMT+1",
            "dst": 0

data object will contain data retrieved from executed ASDU.

asdus.loadCurve(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly loadCurve ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "frames": [
                "ImportedActive": 10,
                "Quadrant4Reactive": 10,
                "Quadrant2Reactive": 333,
                "Quadrant3Reactive": 334,
                "ExportedActive": 1000,
                "Quadrant1Reactive": 333,
                "Timestamp": 1705536000000

data object will contain a field named frames that is an array. Each array element is an object with the data retrieved.

asdus.loadCurveQuarter(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly loadCurveQuarter ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "frames": [
                "ImportedActive": 10,
                "Quadrant4Reactive": 10,
                "Quadrant2Reactive": 333,
                "Quadrant3Reactive": 334,
                "ExportedActive": 1000,
                "Quadrant1Reactive": 333,
                "Timestamp": 1705536000000
                "ImportedActive": 0,
                "Quadrant4Reactive": 125,
                "Quadrant2Reactive": 125,
                "Quadrant3Reactive": 125,
                "ExportedActive": 500,
                "Quadrant1Reactive": 125,
                "Timestamp": 1705536900000

data object will contain a field named frames that is an array. Each array element is an object with the data retrieved.

asdus.loadCurveIncremental(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly loadCurveIncremental ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "frames": [
                "ImportedActive": 10,
                "Quadrant4Reactive": 10,
                "Quadrant2Reactive": 333,
                "Quadrant3Reactive": 334,
                "ExportedActive": 1000,
                "Quadrant1Reactive": 333,
                "Timestamp": 1705536000000

data object will contain a field named frames that is an array. Each array element is an object with the data retrieved.

asdus.loadCurveIncrementalQuarter(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly loadCurveIncrementalQuarter ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "frames": [
                "ImportedActive": 2,
                "Quadrant4Reactive": 0,
                "Quadrant2Reactive": 1,
                "Quadrant3Reactive": 1,
                "ExportedActive": 1,
                "Quadrant1Reactive": 2,
                "Timestamp": 1705536000000
                "ImportedActive": 0,
                "Quadrant4Reactive": 0,
                "Quadrant2Reactive": 0,
                "Quadrant3Reactive": 0,
                "ExportedActive": 2,
                "Quadrant1Reactive": 0,
                "Timestamp": 1705536900000

data object will contain a field named frames that is an array. Each array element is an object with the data retrieved.

asdus.currentPricing(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly currentPricing ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "frames": [
                "IncrementalActive": 5060,
                "IncrementalCapacitiveReactive": 54,
                "Memory": "Cur",
                "AbsoluteCapacitiveReactive": 4564,
                "Timestamp": 1705653489884,
                "MaximumPower": 19,
                "EndPeriodDateAsDatetime": {
                    "date": "2024-02-29",
                    "time": "23:59:00",
                    "timezone": "GMT+1",
                    "dst": 0
                "RateIndex": "Tot",
                "InitPeriodDateAsDatetime": {
                    "date": "2024-02-01",
                    "time": "00:00:00",
                    "timezone": "GMT+1",
                    "dst": 0
                "ExcessPower": 0,
                "AbsoluteActive": 595452,
                "AbsoluteInductiveReactive": 1207,
                "IncrementalInductiveReactive": 6

data object will contain a field named frames that is an array. Each array element is an object with the data retrieved.

asdus.storedPricing(execConfig)⇒ Object

Execute directly storedPricing ASDU.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Parameter Type Description
execConfig object Execution configuration

Return a json with following format:

    "status": true,
    "description": "Success",
    "readingState": "READ",
    "data": {
        "frames": [
                "IncrementalActive": 5060,
                "IncrementalCapacitiveReactive": 54,
                "Memory": "Mem",
                "AbsoluteCapacitiveReactive": 4564,
                "Timestamp": 1705653478357,
                "MaximumPower": 19,
                "EndPeriodDateAsDatetime": {
                    "date": "2024-02-29",
                    "time": "23:59:00",
                    "timezone": "GMT+1",
                    "dst": 0
                "RateIndex": "Tot",
                "InitPeriodDateAsDatetime": {
                    "date": "2024-02-01",
                    "time": "00:00:00",
                    "timezone": "GMT+1",
                    "dst": 0
                "ExcessPower": 0,
                "AbsoluteActive": 595452,
                "AbsoluteInductiveReactive": 1207,
                "IncrementalInductiveReactive": 6

data object will contain a field named frames that is an array. Each array element is an object with the data retrieved.

asdus.execute() ⇒ Object

Execute one by one all the ASDUs defined in asdus.asdusToExec.

See Asdus Definition and Exectuion

Returns an object with following format:

    "status": true,
    "asdus": {
        "login": {
            "data": null,
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": null,
            "status": true
        "timeRequest": {
            "data": {
                "Datetime": {
                    "date": "2024-01-19",
                    "time": "09:36:58",
                    "timezone": "GMT+1",
                    "dst": 0
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "parameters": {
            "data": {
                "RegistryDepth": 4000,
                "LinkAddressCollected": 1,
                "IntegrationPeriod": 60,
                "AccessPassword": 1,
                "MeasurePoint": 1,
                "MeasurePointsQuantity": 1
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "deviceManufacturer": {
            "data": {
                "ManufacturerCode": "81",
                "DeviceId": "501606407"
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "loadCurve": {
            "data": {
                "frames": [
                        "ImportedActive": 10,
                        "Quadrant4Reactive": 10,
                        "Quadrant2Reactive": 333,
                        "Quadrant3Reactive": 334,
                        "ExportedActive": 1000,
                        "Quadrant1Reactive": 333,
                        "Timestamp": 1705536000000
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "loadCurveQuarter": {
            "data": {
                "frames": [
                        "ImportedActive": 10,
                        "Quadrant4Reactive": 10,
                        "Quadrant2Reactive": 333,
                        "Quadrant3Reactive": 334,
                        "ExportedActive": 1000,
                        "Quadrant1Reactive": 333,
                        "Timestamp": 1705536000000
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "loadCurveIncremental": {
            "data": {
                "frames": [
                        "ImportedActive": 10,
                        "Quadrant4Reactive": 10,
                        "Quadrant2Reactive": 333,
                        "Quadrant3Reactive": 334,
                        "ExportedActive": 1000,
                        "Quadrant1Reactive": 333,
                        "Timestamp": 1705536000000
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "loadCurveIncrementalQuarter": {
            "data": {
                "frames": [
                        "ImportedActive": 2,
                        "Quadrant4Reactive": 0,
                        "Quadrant2Reactive": 1,
                        "Quadrant3Reactive": 1,
                        "ExportedActive": 1,
                        "Quadrant1Reactive": 2,
                        "Timestamp": 1705536000000
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "storedPricing": {
            "data": {
                "frames": [
                        "IncrementalActive": 5060,
                        "IncrementalCapacitiveReactive": 54,
                        "Memory": "Mem",
                        "AbsoluteCapacitiveReactive": 4564,
                        "Timestamp": 1705653478357,
                        "MaximumPower": 19,
                        "EndPeriodDateAsDatetime": {
                            "date": "2024-02-29",
                            "time": "23:59:00",
                            "timezone": "GMT+1",
                            "dst": 0
                        "RateIndex": "Tot",
                        "InitPeriodDateAsDatetime": {
                            "date": "2024-02-01",
                            "time": "00:00:00",
                            "timezone": "GMT+1",
                            "dst": 0
                        "ExcessPower": 0,
                        "AbsoluteActive": 595452,
                        "AbsoluteInductiveReactive": 1207,
                        "IncrementalInductiveReactive": 6
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "configuration": {
            "data": {
                "Contract1": "unknown",
                "VoltageSecondary": 0,
                "ManufacturerCode": "1",
                "BatteryPercentage": 44,
                "SerialPort1StartingAsciiString": "\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000",
                "IntensityPrimary": 0,
                "IntegrationPeriod3": 0,
                "VoltagePrimary": 0,
                "IntegrationPeriod1": 60,
                "IntegrationPeriod2": 15,
                "SerialPort1Mode": 0,
                "IntensitySecondary": 0,
                "SerialNumber": 333,
                "Model": {
                    "name": "AQ",
                    "version": "",
                    "manufacturer": "",
                    "manufacturerOUI": ""
                "SerialPort1Codification": "8/No/2",
                "ContractType": "Contract I",
                "StandardDate": "2002-05-01",
                "Firmware": [
                        "name": "Firmware version",
                        "version": "2",
                        "type": "FIRMWARE"
                "SerialPort1Baudrate": 9600,
                "SerialPort2Baudrate": 0,
                "SerialPort2Codification": "8/No/2",
                "Datetime": {
                    "date": "2002-04-10",
                    "time": "00:00:00",
                    "timezone": "GMT+1",
                    "dst": 0
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "currentPricing": {
            "data": {
                "frames": [
                        "IncrementalActive": 5060,
                        "IncrementalCapacitiveReactive": 54,
                        "Memory": "Cur",
                        "AbsoluteCapacitiveReactive": 4564,
                        "Timestamp": 1705653489884,
                        "MaximumPower": 19,
                        "EndPeriodDateAsDatetime": {
                            "date": "2024-02-29",
                            "time": "23:59:00",
                            "timezone": "GMT+1",
                            "dst": 0
                        "RateIndex": "Tot",
                        "InitPeriodDateAsDatetime": {
                            "date": "2024-02-01",
                            "time": "00:00:00",
                            "timezone": "GMT+1",
                            "dst": 0
                        "ExcessPower": 0,
                        "AbsoluteActive": 595452,
                        "AbsoluteInductiveReactive": 1207,
                        "IncrementalInductiveReactive": 6
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": "READ",
            "status": true
        "logout": {
            "data": null,
            "description": "Success",
            "readingState": null,
            "status": true

Catalog GetMeterInfo operation example

Following code shows the catalog connector function for GetMeterInfo operation

var registerType =  entityValue(entity, 'provision.type');

iec102.ip =  entityValue(entity, 'provision.ip');
iec102.port =  entityValue(entity, 'provision.port');

iec102.linkAddress = Number( entityValue(entity, 'provision.linkAddress'));
iec102.useMeasurePoint = Number( entityValue(entity, 'provision.measurePoint'));
iec102.usePasswordAccess = Number( entityValue(entity, 'provision.passwordAccess'));

iec102.msisdn =  entityValue(entity, 'provision.device.communicationModules[]', 0);
iec102.userName =  entityValue(entity, 'provision.user');
iec102.password =  entityValue(entity, 'provision.password');
iec102.portConfig =  entityValue(entity, 'provision.portConfig');

if (!registerType) {
    response.errorProcessing('Meter type was not specified');
    return response;

var connectionStatus = iec102.connect(registerType);
collection.addDatapoint('atd.response', connectionStatus.description, iec102.referenceTime, iec102.source, iec102.sourceInfo);
if (!connectionStatus.status) {
    collection.addDatapoint('readingState', iec102.readingState, iec102.referenceTime, iec102.source, iec102.sourceInfo);
    return response;

var asdusResult = iec102.asdus.execute();


collection.addDatapoint('readingState', iec102.readingState, iec102.referenceTime, iec102.source, iec102.sourceInfo);
if (asdusResult.status) {
    response.successful('Finished Correctly');

log('Final response: ', response);
return response;