Inner Collections API

Connector functions JS API guide for inner collections

This file provides methods to collect data inside a connector function script execution. These methods belong to collection global object.


addDatapoint(datastreamId, value, at, source, sourceInfo)

Builds a datapoint object and adds it to the specified datastream in the datastreams list in the collection global object.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
datastreamId string Datastream identifier by which the datapoint will be identified.
value any Collected value. If not provided null will be set.
at number Number with collection timestamp in seconds. If not provided null will be set.
source string String with source name. If not provided null will be set.
sourceInfo string String with source description. If not provided null will be set.

Example of use:

var now = / 1000;
collection.addDatapoint('', 'collected name from cf', now,'mySource','mySourceInfo');

setFeed(datastreamId, feed)

Sets the feed name to a specific datastream in the datastreams list in the collection global object.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
datastreamId string Datastream identifier by which the datapoint will be identified.
feed string The feed name to set to the specified datastream.

Example of use:

collection.setFeed('', 'myFeed');


Sends a collection message to the OpenGate’s collection messages flow using the datastreams list in the collection global object, after that this list is cleaned.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Example of use:


getValue(datastream, dpIndex)

Sarch datapoint value for specified datastreamId. It is possible to specify datapoint index inside the datastream. If not found null value will be returned

Kind: global function
Returns: *

Param Type Description
datastream string Datastream identifier which value must be returned
dpIndx number Datapoint index. If not defined first datapoint will be returned

Example of use:

var dpValue = collection.getValue('');
// dpValue will be 'collected name from cf'