Summary Chart

This widget displays graphs of summaries provided by the platform.

How it works

Summary Chart widget Summary Chart widget

This widget facilitates the graphical visualization of summarized data.

Data can be displayed graphically, in table form, or both simultaneously.

Widget Menu

Summary Chart Actions Summary Chart Actions

From this section, the following actions can be performed:

  • Capture screen: Takes a screenshot of the widget.
  • Duplicate widget: Creates a duplicate of the widget on the dashboard.
  • Copy widget: Copies the widget to another dashboard.
  • Change widget location: Moves the widget to another dashboard.

Widget Filter

Summary Chart Filters Summary Chart Filters

With the filter, one can narrow down the number of results and obtain new metrics.

There are three types of filters: basic, advanced, or linked.

  • Basic allows the entry of any text and will filter by predetermined fields.
  • Advanced allows configuring a custom filter based on the displayed graph.
  • Linked ties the filter with that of another compatible widget, inheriting its query and refreshing both simultaneously.



  • Refresh Frequency: allows configuring the data refresh frequency displayed in the list.

  • Title: widget title. It can be configured to remain fixed in the widget or only be displayed when it receives focus.

  • About: widget description in Markdown format.

  • Summary type allows selection among different types of summaries.

  • Summary format specifies the type of representation: graphical, table, or mixed (both simultaneously).

  • Table position allows specifying the table’s position in mixed mode.

  • Legend enables or disables the display of graph legends and their position.

  • Columns number tells the widget into how many columns the graphs should be distributed.

  • Style pie chart instructs the widget whether to display pie charts in donut format or regular (no format).

Summary Chart General Configuration Summary Chart General Configuration

Finally, one must configure the data streams to summarize. The following must be indicated for each:

  • Column 1 specifies the type of graph to represent for the selected data stream.
  • Column 2, field allows choosing a field within a complex data stream.
  • Column 3, alias allows specifying the name of the data stream on the graph.
  • Formatter tool is a tool that allows formatting and altering the information returned by the platform to meet specific needs.
  • Remove will remove the column from the configuration.

When the summary type is “Entities Values,” additional configuration parameters will be activated. This is because this option calculates graph data based on a sample of the overall entities.

Summary Chart Entities Values summary Summary Chart Entities Values summary

The global chart type field will be activated, and a new panel appears where the following will be configured:

  • Generated summary title is the name to display on the generated graph.
  • Statistics: count strategy specifies the operation to perform on the read data: total, median, mean, maximum, minimum, variance, and standard deviation.
  • Statistics: max samples specifies the number of samples to take for generating the graph.

The list of data streams will indicate on which data the indicated count strategy will act.


From here, internal filters that would always apply regardless of user actions can be configured.

Summary Chart Advanced Summary Chart Advanced

  • Private filter will always execute unless there is a template filter.
  • Template filter allows configuring a filter that will overwrite the private one when the dashboard opens in a temporary template.
  • Share filter tells the widget to share the private/template filter when this widget is selected in another widget via linked filter.