Create new Data Model

This wizard allows us to create data models for customizing data within the platform’s entities.


Data Model

Data for registration and identification for creating a data model on the platform.

Creation Creation


Data for the data model. We will add a category by clicking the + button. We will enter an identifier and optionally a name. Then we click the add button.

Category Category


  • Refresh Frequency: allows configuring the data refresh frequency displayed in the list.
  • Title: widget title. It can be configured to remain fixed in the widget or only be displayed when it receives focus.
  • About: widget description in Markdown format.

We can add a data stream, and the data stream creation wizard will open. We will select the type of data stream we are going to create, either collection or provision.

AddDatastream AddDatastream


If a version number is entered, a series of fields for filling out the Qrating will appear.

Qrating Qrating


By default, the storage period will appear in DAYS, but it can be changed to SECONDS, MINUTES, or NEVER.

Storage Storage

Import/Export Configuration

Allows you to import and export the wizard’s configuration via JSON.

btnJson btnJson

When accessing the import and export functionality, it displays a window with various actions. Additionally, it presents the configuration of the wizard in JSON format.

The available actions are as follows:

  • Upload Json: Uploads a JSON file and replaces the previous JSON configuration.
  • Paste from clipboard: Pastes JSON data from the clipboard and replaces the previous JSON configuration.
  • Download Json: Downloads the JSON configuration as a file with the wizard’s name.
  • Copy to clipboard: Copies the JSON configuration to the clipboard.

items items