Operation Steps API

Connector functions JS API guide for response objectoperation steps inmediate notification


addStep(name, result, description, stepResponseList)

Builds a step result object and adds it to the steps list in the response global object.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
name string Step name. If not provided null will be set.
result string Step result. If not provided null will be set.
description string Step result description. If not provided null will be set.
stepResponseList string StepResponse objects array. If not provided, empty array will be assigned.

Example of use:

response.addStep('FACTORY_RESET', 'SUCCESSFUL', 'direct step from CF');


Sends a step response message to the OpenGate’s operation messages flow using the steps list in the response object, after that this list is cleaned.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Example of use:



This method set SUCCESSFUL stausCode with provided description.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
statusDescription string Descriptive text for result.

Example of use:

response.successful("CF finished correctly");

response will contain follwing data:

    "operation": {
        "response": {
            "resultCode": "SUCCESSFUL",
            "resultDescription": "CF finished correctly",


This method set ERROR_PROCESSING stausCode with provided description.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
statusDescription string Descriptive text for result.

Example of use:

response.errorProcessing("Error executing CF");

response will contain follwing data:

    "operation": {
        "response": {
            "resultCode": "ERROR_PROCESSING",
            "resultDescription": "Error executing CF",


This method set ERROR_IN_PARAM stausCode with provided description.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
statusDescription string Descriptive text for result.

Example of use:

response.errorInParam("Incorrect param from CF");

response will contain follwing data:

    "operation": {
        "response": {
            "resultCode": "ERROR_IN_PARAM",
            "resultDescription": "Incorrect param from CF",


This method set set NOT_SUPPORTED stausCode with provided description.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
statusDescription string Descriptive text for result.

Example of use:

response.notSupported("Not supported from CF");

response will contain follwing data:

    "operation": {
        "response": {
            "resultCode": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
            "resultDescription": "Not supported from CF",


This method set ERROR_TIMEOUT stausCode with provided description.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
statusDescription string Descriptive text for result.

Example of use:

response.errorTimeout("Timeout error from CF");

response will contain follwing data:

    "operation": {
        "response": {
            "resultCode": "ERROR_TIMEOUT",
            "resultDescription": "Timeout error from CF",


This method set UNKNOWN_RESULT stausCode with provided description.

Kind: global function
Returns: Void

Param Type Description
statusDescription string Descriptive text for result.

Example of use:

response.unknownResult("Unknow result from CF");

response will contain follwing data:

    "operation": {
        "response": {
            "resultCode": "UNKNOWN_RESULT",
            "resultDescription": "Unknow result from CF",