Organizations Browser

In this widget, you can navigate through different organizations within your own. Actions can be performed on each of the identifying elements within each organization.

How it Works

Organization Actions

Organization Actions Organization Actions

The following are the actions that can be performed on the selected organization:

  • Edit: Allows management of the organization data.
  • New Suborganization: Creates a new organization under the current organization.
  • New Workgroup: Opens the workgroup wizard filtered by the selected organization.
  • New Channel: Opens the channels wizard filtered by the selected organization.
  • Open Users List: Opens a user list widget in a popup, filtered by the selected organization.
  • Open Entities List: Opens an entities list widget in a popup, filtered by the selected organization.
  • Remove: Deletes the current organization.


From the Channels tab, you can see which channels exist for that organization and perform actions on them.

Organization Channels Organization Channels

The following are the actions that can be performed:

Organization Channels Actions Organization Channels Actions

  • Edit: Allows management of the channel data.
  • New Entity: Opens the entity wizard to create a new one in this channel.
  • New Asset: Opens the asset wizard to create a new one in this channel.
  • Remove: Deletes the current channel.


From the Workgroups tab, you can see which workgroups exist for that organization and perform actions on them.

Organization Workgroups Organization Workgroups

The following are the actions that can be performed:

Organization Workgroups Actions Organization Workgroups Actions

  • Edit: Allows management of the workgroup data.
  • Open Users List: Opens a user list widget in a popup, filtered by the selected organization.
  • New User: Opens the users wizard to create a new one in this workgroup.
  • Remove: Deletes the current workgroup.

You can navigate directly to the desired organization in the organizations tree.

Organization Tree Organization Tree



  • Refresh Frequency: allows configuring the data refresh frequency displayed in the list.
  • Title: widget title. It can be configured to remain fixed in the widget or only be displayed when it receives focus.
  • About: widget description in Markdown format.