Connector Functions

This wizard allows us to create rules.



Essential data for registration and identification of a connector function in the platform.

Administration Administration


Criteria selector

CnfCriteria CnfCriteria

Criteria Criteria


Allows you to write the connector function code using JavaScript to be evaluated.

In Payload type, there are the following options:

  • TEXT
  • JSON

ListPayload ListPayload

The action menu provides different options:

  • Maximize: Full screen for better viewing of the step.
  • Basic functions: Default basic functions.
  • Validate Code: Validates the function code.

ListActionsButtons ListActionsButtons


Summary of the complete connector function information.

It allows the options of Disabled, Test, and Production.

BasicFunctions BasicFunctions

Summary Summary

Import/Export configuration

Allows you to import and export the wizard’s configuration using JSON.

btnJson btnJson

When you access import and export, it displays a window with different actions. It also displays the wizard’s configuration in JSON format.

The available actions are as follows:

  • Upload JSON: Uploads a JSON file and replaces the previous JSON.
  • Paste from clipboard: Pastes JSON from the clipboard and replaces the previous JSON.
  • Download JSON: Downloads the JSON in a file with the wizard’s name.
  • Copy to clipboard: Copies the JSON to the clipboard.

items items