Scripts Formatters

From here, you can manage the formatting scripts saved by the widgets.

How it Works

Scripts Formatters Scripts Formatters

The list of scripts displays the necessary information to locate where it is used and for what purpose. The following information is detailed:

  • Name identifier of the script
  • Version a number identifying the versioning
  • Description descriptive text of what the script does
  • Widget type of widget compatible with this script

Expanding the row reveals in which dashboards, and by which users, the said script is being used.

Scripts Formatters Expanded Scripts Formatters Expanded

Actions on Scripts

Scripts Formatters Actions Scripts Formatters Actions

For each item on the list, the following actions can be performed:

  • Share allows viewing and sharing the script for use by other users on their dashboards

Scripts Formatters Share Scripts Formatters Share

  • Edit opens the script’s editing form for modification

Scripts Formatters Edit Scripts Formatters Edit

  • Delete removes the selected script

In the navigation bar, the following actions can be performed:

  • Search allows applying a filter to the list
  • Refresh refreshes the content of the list