Functions Logger Service

Logger Websocket endpoints

Connector functions logger feature is available on this URL: wss://{organization_name}/channels/{channel_name}/{cf-id}

Rules logger feature is available on this URL: wss://{organization_name}/channels/{channel_name}/{rf-id}

Websocket requires mandatory X-ApiKey url parameter to work

Another parameter to be set is logging level, used to define which traces must be sent to the client. This paremter is not mandatory and by default INFO level will be used.

Here is complete URI example for connector functions logger:



  • organization_name: Organization name.
  • channel_name: Channel name.
  • cf-id: Connector function identifier.
  • your-api-key: Api-key for valid user wit permissions over defined function.
  • logging-level: Specify logging granularity. Valid logging levels: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. If incorrect value is defined, INFO level will be used by Functions Logger service. Same level or higher level messages will be received. For example if WARN is defined in the path, ERROR and WARN traces will be received, but not INFO, DEBUG or TRACE.

After opening Websocket connection, the client will receive log messages with following format:

    "message": "message.",
    "level": "INFO",
    "timestamp": 1607108000000


  • message: Printed trace in connector function.
  • level: Trace level. Possible values: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE.
  • timestamp: Trace UTC timestamp in milliseconds.