Cryptography API

Connector functions JS API guide for crypto utility

This file provides methods for different crypto utilities using crypt global object.

Encrypt and decrypt messages with AES algorithms

The crypt.aes global object provides all the functions for encryption and decryption using the AES algorithm.

This javascript functions will share the cypher algorithm used in java method javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(algorithm), composed by {CipherName}/{cipherMode}/{CiperPadding} Some exemples are:

  • AES/CBC/NoPadding
  • AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
  • AES/ECB/NoPadding
  • AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding
  • AES/GCM/NoPadding

Data hashing

The crypt.hmac global object provides functions for hashing data.


crypt.aes.encrypt(algorithm, key, ivParameterSpec, data)

Encrypt the data using the selected AES algorithm with the provided shared key.

Kind: global function
Returns: Uint8Array

Param Type Description
algorithm string algorithm identifier, as required in java javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(algorithm). For example: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
key Uint8Array key used to encrypt the data. In AES algorithms. The key size must match the selected algorithm. For example, AES algorithms support keys of 16 bytes (AES-128), 24 bytes (AES-192), or 32 bytes (AES-256).
ivParam Uint8Array Initialization vector (IV) used in encryption. Only alowed or required depending on the selected algorithm.
data Uint8Array data to be encoded
var key128 = utils.bytes.fromText('012345678902345a'); /* 128 bits for AES-128 */
var ivParam = utils.bytes.fromText('0123456789023452');

var inputData = [104, 111, 108, 97, 32, 99, 97, 114, 97, 108, 99, 111, 108, 52, 53, 54];
var encriptedData = crypt.aes.encrypt("AES/CBC/NoPadding", key128, ivParam, inputData); 

log(encriptedData) // Expected output: [178,19,136,33,80,100,25,183,126,178,19,125,139,24,212,253]

crypt.aes.decrypt(algorithm, key, ivParameterSpec, data)

Decrypt the data using the selected AES algorithm with the provided shared key.

Kind: global function
Returns: Uint8Array

Param Type Description
algorithm string algorithm identifier, as required in java javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(algorithm). For example: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
key Uint8Array key used to decrypt the data. In AES algorithms. The key size must match the selected algorithm. For example, AES algorithms support keys of 16 bytes (AES-128), 24 bytes (AES-192), or 32 bytes (AES-256).
ivParam Uint8Array Initialization vector (IV) used in encryption. Only alowed or required depending on the selected algorithm.
data Uint8Array encoded data to be decrypted
var key128 = utils.bytes.fromText('012345678902345a'); /* 128 bits for AES-128 */
var ivParam = utils.bytes.fromText('0123456789023452');

var inputEncrypted = [178,19,136,33,80,100,25,183,126,178,19,125,139,24,212,253]
var data = crypt.aes.decrypt("AES/CBC/NoPadding", key128, ivParam, inputEncrypted);

log(data) // Expected output: [104, 111, 108, 97, 32, 99, 97, 114, 97, 108, 99, 111, 108, 52, 53, 54] 


Following functions apply some hashing function with specified key to specified data. In all cases, the result is a JSON with following structure:

Param Type Description
error string It will be null if hashing finishes correctly. If hashing fails, exception message will be indicated.
result Uint8Array Obtained hash. If the hash function is applied correctly, byte array with hashed data will be returned. If some error occurs, null will be returned

Correct hashing result:

 "error": null,
 "result": [-102, 54, -66, -103, -25, 112, 1, 118, -65, 122, -22, 27, 88, 106, -54, 122, -11, -109, -63, 99, -127, -23, -15, -43, 28, 109, -22, -65, 25, 45, -85, 9, 39, 44, 39, 75, -95, -47, -61, -103, 101, -80, -62, -35, -102, 74, -76, 45, 94, -7, -35, 8, -80, -80, -65, -103, 127, 104, 75, -65, -89, 111, -34, 109]

Result with some error

 "error": "Algorithm HmacSHA999 not available",
 "result": null


Create a hash from provided string using sha256.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object

Param Type Description
data string Data to be hashed
key Uint8Array key to be use for hashing
var hashResult = crypt.hmac.sha256("Some data to be hashed", "hashingKey");
/* Expected output: 
 "error": null,
 "result": [-56, -6, 82, -104, -74, -100, -103, 112, 80, -89, -61, 85, -63, 58, -102, -54, -68, 15, 70, 60, 44, 85, 110, -100, -108, -95, -48, -3, 8, -25, 33, -4]


Create a hash from provided string using sha512.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object

Param Type Description
data string Data to be hashed
key Uint8Array key to be use for hashing
var hashResult = crypt.hmac.sha512("Some data to be hashed", "hashingKey");
log(hashResult) ;
/* Expected output: 
 "error": null,
 "result": [-102, 54, -66, -103, -25, 112, 1, 118, -65, 122, -22, 27, 88, 106, -54, 122, -11, -109, -63, 99, -127, -23, -15, -43, 28, 109, -22, -65, 25, 45, -85, 9, 39, 44, 39, 75, -95, -47, -61, -103, 101, -80, -62, -35, -102, 74, -76, 45, 94, -7, -35, 8, -80, -80, -65, -103, 127, 104, 75, -65, -89, 111, -34, 109]